Author Topic: Bug in Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st cycle in cycle mode  (Read 5647 times)


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I am not sure if my email to support, sent 3 days ago, got through, so posting here. I am evaluating your Redline Reverb plug-in, version 1.0.4, in Logic Pro 9.11 at 44.1kHz, I have included my computer setup details at the end of this email.

In Logic Pro 9.11 when you first play a sound through Redline reverb there is "woosh" noise in the reverb on the first note. This is most noticeable with percussive sounds, such as piano, using presets with short to medium pre-delay times (below 100ms). In many situations the problem would not be noticed, either because the reverb send level was too low for it to be audible in the mix, or because the preset had a long pre-delay time.

To enable you to investigate this bug, I have created a Logic Pro project that should allow you to reproduce it. The project uses the the EXS24 factory preset "Grand Piano" from the EXS24 preset folder "01 Acoustic Pianos".  The Redline Reverb in the project is set to its default preset, "Large Hall".

1 Download and unzip the project from the link above. Load the project attached and hit play. You should here a noise at the beginning of the first cycle. Subsequent cycles play normally.

2. Go to the Marker 1, hit play and play. You should still here the noise when the sequence plays.

3. This time hit play and play a note before the timeline reaches the start of the sequence. You should here the noise on the note that you play, but the sequence should play normally.

I noticed on your user forum that this issue had been reported before, in a post entitled "bug when reverb is inactive for a while" that was posted November 28th 2009 and that you had been unable to reproduce it. I hope that the details that I have provided in this email will allow you to reproduce it.

I would be most grateful if anyone could confirm whether or not you they are able to reproduce this issue.

Apple iMac Setup:
iMac 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, OS X 10.63; Motu 828mkII; Logic Pro 9.11; Live 8.1.3


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Re: Bug in Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st cycle in cycle mode
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 11:07:22 AM »
Apologies for the lack of replies and many thanks for the problem project.  We're finally able to reproduce it here so shd be able to fix it, though at first glance it's not clear what's happening.


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Re: Bug in Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st cycle in cycle mode
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 03:34:49 PM »
Update: still unclear what exactly is happening but at least I managed a workaround, so the next maintenance update will fix this issue.  Thanks much for sending us the problem project!


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Re: Bug in Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st cycle in cycle mode
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 10:07:59 AM »
Very pleased to hear you could reproduce this issue.

I feel that I have to say that I was very disappointed at the lack of acknowledgement of my initial post / support email. It took me a little time to come up with a project that would give you the chance of reproducing this and I pretty much decided not to buy due to the lack of response to my problem report.

I was very impressed by the interface and the sound quality which has it's own unique warm character.

I already own IKMultimedia CSR, Waves TrueVerb, RVerb, IR-1 and a TC Electronic R4000. What appealed to me about the redlinereverb was the simple interface (quite important when you want to tweak things quickly while you're mixing) and great reverb sound.


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Re: Bug in Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st cycle in cycle mode
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2010, 04:50:09 PM »
I've been trying Redline Reverb too, and I'm also experiencing this issue. Can we have an exact date when the update will be released?
Thank you,

EDIT: I have been testing this in FL Studio and Reaper, in FL Studio everything is fine, in reaper i can hear that whoosh very clearly.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 05:01:25 PM by Republicofdreams »


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