Author Topic: Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!  (Read 6141 times)


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Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!
« on: April 24, 2009, 04:19:51 PM »
Man - this is a luscious piece of plugin.

My favorite thing (next to the big sweet sound) is that I can kill all the "thwack thwack crack" of the earlies on toms and snares. That's just crazy-useful for giving a sense of dramatic space on drums.

It loves female voices.

It does an amazing job of that "stadium rock" sound on mic'd amps. Big, big sound, big big deal.

In addition to the great reverb, you can actually use it as a "soft delay" with a little tweaking. For vocals, I often set up a chain of delay, EQ, reverb and compression just to get a sort of diffused "softened" slapback - I can do it with ONE PLUGIN now - awesome. (In fact, you might stick "softened delay" on your development list and really nail it, as the delay of the earlies depends on other knob positions)

I love that I can use it mono - THIS IS ONE OF THOSE EFFECTS THAT YOU CAN TREAT LIKE A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT and that is a BIG deal to me. Tune it, tweak it, tons of knobs but they are MEANINGFUL and your tweaks are instantly noticeable. IT's a FUN plugin, which I love. No more fighting with Masterverb.

Problems I've had (Protools 7x, G5 dual 2.0/tiger/gobs of ram):

Often when I bypass the verb (and get the "about" screen) it won't un-bypass. The info screen disappears, the "bypass" button dims, the reverb meters move, but... no effect. Have to delete and replace the plugin.

Trying to automate the bypass switch: I get a "variable" controller ramp in the piano roll, not an off-on; which has no effect on bypass, even by going min/max. A "switch" should get an on-off, not a variable ramp, y'know?

Automation in general can make the plugin fail - no crash, just stops processing. Haven't played extensively with it yet.


PLEASE consider adding a "user" column to the main preset engine... I tweak a preset, make it my own, choose "save preset" and save it in a user folder which appears as a category in the presets. That's the right way to do that! Your presets are really useful starters, I like having my tweaks as part of the whole mess;

A "warm drive" knob to the early reflections to dirty 'em up in a tube-ish way;

An "old guy interface" button with bolder/larger type?? (I'm not that old but my eyes are getting sucky!) For a plugin that screams "tweak me", I find myself squinting a lot...

THANKS - I'm buyin'. You guys are a CLASS ACT on the price and the generous demo period. Psyched to try your EQ. I'll stop shouting now - MC


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Re: Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 06:10:55 PM »
Thanks a ton for your praise--it's awesome to get this kind of feedback and it means a lot to us!

We are aware of the Bypass anomalies in Protools on Mac PowerPC, expect a fix very soon.  (At least I am under the impression that all three bugs you describe boil down to the Bypass control somehow misbehaving.)  Sorry for the inconvenience and hope this doesn't cause you too much trouble for the time being.

The "User" presets idea is a good one though not trivial to implement in a useful manner, so I'll put it on the todo list.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Same goes for "Drive"--no promises but I'll definitely keep this in mind for v2 (which we're already working on).

Finally, possibly the next maintenance release (and definitely v2) will have support for custom GUI skins, so I suppose we could easily make an extra skin with better readibility and a bit less cool. :)

Thanks again for your feedback & suggestions,

-- dj!


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Re: Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 09:44:50 PM »
Yes, the problems I've had seem bypass related.

Will you be emailing when updates arrive? (I assume forum peeps are on your list)

Ad dude... I've been working on a series of vids using those old Teisco guitars for every guitar part; they're thin-sounding things (and a bitch to play, you really have to fight with 'em). But lordy, I double tracked a part through a tube amp & SM57 into Protools, and got a scary and MASSIVE sound (not "thrash" scary, more like "100-ft. Marshall Cabinet" scary), and the primary key to that was the Redline.

This product is really up there, for me, with the Massey CT-4 compressor and ADK Microphones for "affordable thousand dollar sound". I'm looking forward to testing it in a more delicate way on some Gibson acoustics.

And I am feeling very lustful when I read the descriptions of your upcoming EQ.... come on guys, knock another out of the park!!!


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Re: Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2009, 05:42:11 PM »
Just to let you know I finally managed to track down and fix the Bypass and Prev/Next preset button bug--upcoming maintenance release will fix this.

-- dj!


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Re: Lovin' it - buggy on my Mac!
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 08:37:52 PM »
Just to let you know I finally managed to track down and fix the Bypass and Prev/Next preset button bug--upcoming maintenance release will fix this.

-- dj!
Any update on this fix?

I just bought this after reading reviews on GearSlutz and I am very happy with the sound indeed. Very CPU efficient.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 06:31:43 AM by CygnusX-1Bk2 »


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