Author Topic: Sudden new problems in Cubase 5.5.2  (Read 5421 times)


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Sudden new problems in Cubase 5.5.2
« on: April 06, 2011, 04:56:15 AM »
Hello.  I am running the most recent version (1.03) of Redline Reverb.  I did have problems when first using it, but I upgraded my Cubase and everything worked fine.  That said, I opened a project today, and the same things are happening again!

When I load up the Reverb, it shows up as a blank screen.  Or, sometimes it will only show part of the plugin, but the rest is white.  I have not change ANYTHING.  No upgrades or anything for a very long time, and suddenly this has happened, for apparently no reason.  I downloaded the reverb again and re installed, but the problem persists.  Any ideas?  This is very strange that it was working perfectly well, and then decided to poop out on me.

ANy help much appreciated, I used this reverb all the time :-/

Windows 7
64 bit
Cubase 5.5.2
2.8 ghz i7 with 12gigs RAM


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Re: Sudden new problems in Cubase 5.5.2
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2011, 07:55:46 AM »
I did some research and this seems to be a problem that more plugins have in Cubase. However, I couldn't find the solution for it yet. It might have something to do with Cubase running out of memory. Does the blank screen only show up when loading the Reverb, never with other plugins? And what other plugins are you running?



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