Author Topic: bug when reverb is inactive for a while  (Read 4489 times)


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bug when reverb is inactive for a while
« on: November 28, 2009, 10:31:11 PM »
I really interested in buying this reverb because have the right balance of controls/semplicity/quality but I have a problem that is becoming frustrating: I use the demo version on Live 8 and if the reverb is inactive for a while (usually 1min, but sometimes even 5sec ) when the sound start have a "woosh" noise a the start like the reverb was not ready, after that it seem to work but it take a very short time to return idle and repeat this problem. I've uploaded an example so you can listen,

This happen everytime and with any type of sound vst or sample so it's not the source that have cause this problem.

my system:
mac os x 10.5.8
2x3GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile
Live 8


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Re: bug when reverb is inactive for a while
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 06:58:00 PM »
Thanks for the problem report.  This is starting to get interesting because one other user reported the same, also in Live 8, but we can't for the life of us reproduce the problem here so there is something weird going on.  At least now we know it's not that other user's setup that causing it.

This issue is a hard nut to crack because it doesn't happen here, but I'll check into it once more to see what could possibly be causing this.  To be continued. :)

Take care,

-- dj!


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Re: bug when reverb is inactive for a while
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 08:20:26 AM »
I have also experienced this bug, please see new thead, "Bug In Logic Pro - "woosh" noise at start of 1st notes played through Reverb".


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