Author Topic: Surround Support?  (Read 9170 times)


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    • Opus Productions Ltd
Surround Support?
« on: March 14, 2012, 02:54:01 PM »
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I did not see mention of it in a fast scan.
So, who would be interested in surround support for at the very least the Red Line EQ/Preamp, and how would you like to see it implemented?
To my mind, and this is speaking as someonewho works in surround every day just about, VST3 is not needed as it can be done very nicely in VST2 specs. For an idea of this, take a look at the way Voxengo do this.
They have up to 8 channels, and it is possible to configure this in groups of channels so that, for example, it is possible to get independent control over pairs ofchannels like Front Left/Right, Rear Left/Right and leaving things fully independent for Centre & LFE.
VST3 protocols allow for this as standard, but sadly nearly every one so far done has the dreadful multi-mono way of working which has the unwanted side effect of using global parameter control, which is unacceptable - I cannot think of any circumstances at all where I would want the same settings on all 6 channels! For example, in a 5.1 mix I may want to tweak a master buss with some EQ. This might have one setting for front left/right, a HPF for the centre channel (depending on what is in it) and a LPF set to 80Hz for the LFE. Rear channels would be different again - almost certainly not the same as front left/right, that is for sure.
So if VST3 is to be used for surround, control would be paramount or it would be worse than hopeless.
To ram this point home, think about a compressor where all 6 channels get the same settings - this would be a disaster!

I would love to know what the rest of you guys think about this...


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