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Redline Reverb / Re: Redline Reverb is not working with High Sierra
« Last post by nousch on September 29, 2017, 10:32:21 AM »

Can you tell me in which host this is and what exactly doesn't work? So far we tested a few hosts with the latest version of Sierra and everything works fine here...

Redline Reverb / Re: Redline Reverb is not working with High Sierra
« Last post by nousch on September 28, 2017, 04:32:04 PM »
Thanks for letting us know. We'll try to find a fix as soon as possible!

Redline Reverb / Redline Reverb is not working with High Sierra
« Last post by soulstar on September 27, 2017, 11:31:58 PM »
Latest version of Redline Reverb is not working with High Sierra.
Morgana / morgana stability issues
« Last post by civ1 on July 31, 2017, 01:55:45 AM »
I am still having stability issues ( win 8 64 bit running ableton live 8 ) morgana crashes my entire ableton OFTEN - now i don't use it anymore- too unstable- really bad sample location problem or something - hope this gets addressed in the future. Some patches work fine then others just cause my whole ableton project to crash and have to remove this vst in order to get ableton to load up again.

The new 1.2.9 morgana sounds PERFECT - I have been a user of morgana since it came out a few years ago and have stuck with it. There really is NOTHING like morgana out there really so I hope these issues get sorted. Morgana can be a magical time trip to the past.

Damn, I wish I had coding abilities- I would love to work for 112 db on a line of vintage inspired samplers- I would not require much pay as I want to see morgana and further development- I do have 30 years of music production, patch programing and graphic design expertise.

Cascade / Re: Cascade crashing Presonus Studio One pro 3
« Last post by Gothboy on September 25, 2016, 11:05:59 PM »
Sorry I should've posted this in the child boards. ::)  No need for a crash log its working in Studio One Pro 3 I pulled all the pugs out and it was another plugin causing the mischief and preventing the program from opening.
Cascade / Re: Cascade crashing Presonus Studio One pro 3
« Last post by nousch on September 19, 2016, 07:19:04 PM »
We checked, but can't reproduce it here. Could you perhaps send us a crash log?

Morgana / Re: Portamento?
« Last post by martijn on September 19, 2016, 08:58:48 AM »
Sorry for the later reply.

The sampler that Morgana was modelled on, did not have portamento.

Adding portamento to a sampler isn't easy. The way Portamento on a synthesizer works is that the oscillators instead of getting a new pitch, slide from their old pitch to the new pitch. The wave form of the oscillator would however be still the same. The difficulty with a multi sampler is that when you would glide from one note to the other, your start pitch could be in a different zone than your end pitch. You could even cross multiple sample zones. Then during the glide you would have to switch or crossfade between different samples. This would not result in a smooth glide as we know from other synthesizers. I don't know of any sampler that does this. I could be wrong though.


Cascade / Cascade crashing Presonus Studio One pro 3
« Last post by Gothboy on September 18, 2016, 05:37:08 PM »
Though Cascade is working fine for me in Ableton Live it's causing Presonus Studio One Pro 3 to crash when starting it up. It halts Studio one and prevents it from fully opening.
Morgana / Portamento?
« Last post by Straightline on August 19, 2016, 08:42:56 AM »
I'm still using Morgana extensively (OSX Reaper 64 working smoothly) but I'm badly missing at least a simple Mono Portamento. Any plans to incorporate this in the future? This would be awesome!
Cascade / Re: Improvement Suggestions
« Last post by simmo75 on July 02, 2016, 01:24:38 AM »
I am also in love with this synth :) Great work and so many more possibilities!

It would be awesome if the Cascade section could be used as an effect unit, also was thinking more waveforms would be sweet.

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