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Mikron Cascade / Re: Crashes Max 8.0.1
« Last post by martijn on August 02, 2019, 09:19:50 PM »
Question: Is it only Mikron Cascade that crashes or are other Mikrons crashing too? If you could test this it would really be helpful.

Mikron Cascade / Re: Crashes Max 8.0.1
« Last post by SmallHollow on July 31, 2019, 08:40:21 AM »
I just tested Mikron Cascade on my Windows 10 machine and the crash behavior is exactly the same as on my Mojave MacBook, with one exception: on Windows the VST3 plugin does not crash with the procedure described below (the same as in my earlier message). VST2 plugins do crash. Both computers are running Max 8.0.6 with the latest OS updates.

1. Start Max and create an empty patch.
2. Add vst~ object with Mikron Cascade, e.g. vst~"Mikron Cascade".
3. Turn on DAC from the Audio On/Off icon in the lower right corner.

I'll send a crash log to support.
Mikron Cascade / Re: Crashes Max 8.0.1
« Last post by nousch on July 29, 2019, 03:53:32 PM »
Perhaps you can send us your crash log (you can post it here, but since you probably don't want to make the details of your computer setup public, you'd better send it to support at Maybe that will give us a clue.

Mikron Cascade / Re: Crashes Max 8.0.1
« Last post by martijn on July 29, 2019, 12:55:57 PM »

I just tested Mikron Cascade 1.0.3 on MaxMSP 8.0.6 on Mojave 10.14.6 high sierra and sierra and Windows 10 and all worked like a charm...

Conecting disconecting mcs.vst~ "Mikron Cascade" from mc.dup~ 2 and to mc.unpack~ 2 no problemo...

I build a small generative patch around vst~ "Mikron Cascade" without stopping audio and no crash whatsoever...

So please tell me what i should do to make it crash.


Mikron Cascade / Re: Crashes Max 8.0.1
« Last post by SmallHollow on July 20, 2019, 10:20:25 AM »
I just bought the Mikron Cascade based on the recent review on Cycling '74 website. Sounds great!

However, like ASauer, I've noticed that it crashes in Max, even without the new MC multi-channel objects. Here's how I can make it crash on Max 8.0.6 on Mojave:

1. Start Max and create an empty patch.
2. Add vst~ object with Mikron Cascade, e.g. vst~"Mikron Cascade".
3. Turn on DAC from the Audio On/Off icon => Max will crash.
Redline Reverb / Re: Does Redline Reverb support 192Khz?
« Last post by bassmint30 on April 16, 2019, 04:39:26 PM »
Thank you so much for the reply! Redline Reverb is definitely going to be my go-to!
Redline Reverb / Re: Does Redline Reverb support 192Khz?
« Last post by nousch on April 15, 2019, 12:33:23 PM »
Redline Reverb definitely supports 192Khz. Higher shouldn't be a problem too, but we haven't tested it, our sound cards don't support 384Khz. If you want to be sure, I would advise to download the demo version.

Redline Reverb / Does Redline Reverb support 192Khz?
« Last post by bassmint30 on April 09, 2019, 04:19:53 PM »
Hi There!

This is my first post on this Forum, I am most definitely going to buy redline reverb, but I wanted to know whether it supports 192Khz / 32 bit or Higher? (384Khz)
Anything, anytime, anywhere / Re: Mikron Compressor
« Last post by martijn on January 14, 2019, 01:25:22 PM »
Hey Marc,

I'm not sure what you mean by that the knobs are going everywhere. On my machine they stay right where they are with diffrent values. Could you explain what you mean? What exactly would the Lock Knobs button do?

Anything, anytime, anywhere / Mikron Compressor
« Last post by imsrprod on January 05, 2019, 07:16:38 AM »
Hello all. Can we please have a lock knobs function on this incredible plugin?
That would be fantastic. As going through presets is a huge pain as the knobs are going everywhere.

Thanks, Marc
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