112dB Forum

Vintage Series => Morgana => Topic started by: civ1 on July 31, 2017, 01:55:45 AM

Title: morgana stability issues
Post by: civ1 on July 31, 2017, 01:55:45 AM
I am still having stability issues ( win 8 64 bit running ableton live 8 ) morgana crashes my entire ableton OFTEN - now i don't use it anymore- too unstable- really bad sample location problem or something - hope this gets addressed in the future. Some patches work fine then others just cause my whole ableton project to crash and have to remove this vst in order to get ableton to load up again.

The new 1.2.9 morgana sounds PERFECT - I have been a user of morgana since it came out a few years ago and have stuck with it. There really is NOTHING like morgana out there really so I hope these issues get sorted. Morgana can be a magical time trip to the past.

Damn, I wish I had coding abilities- I would love to work for 112 db on a line of vintage inspired samplers- I would not require much pay as I want to see morgana and further development- I do have 30 years of music production, patch programing and graphic design expertise.

Title: Re: morgana stability issues
Post by: Johnnycap on November 07, 2019, 01:25:00 PM
Did they improve Morgana's stability over the last couple of years at all?