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VST3 Support?


Dave Peppiatt:
With the recent anouncement by Steinberg that in 24 months VST2 will no longer be compatible with Steinberg’s host applications (e.g. Cubase)  -

Are there any plans to update your plugins to VST3?

I'm worried by this, I use Redline Reverb all the time and Redline Monitor is essential when I work in headphones. I would be devastated to lose these great tools.

Thanks for your time

No worries. We are working on updates. And although I can't tell you yet when they will be released, it will be way before the mentioned 24 months. The aim is to have a beta version for Redline Monitor and Redline Monitor ready next month.


Dave Peppiatt:
That's awesome news!

Thank you so much, I feel a lot better now.



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