Instruments > Cascade

Improvement Suggestions


Seeing no one else has posted here yet I am taking it upon myself to be the first, heck I was the first to buy Cascade too.

I've already communicated a couple of time with the crew of 112dB regarding improvements or issues I've experienced here in the first week that Cascade has been available. I'm in love with this piece of gear and and intrigued by what we are able to achieve with the bottom part of this synth - the actual Cascade function this VST was named for is endlessly amazing and I'm hoping that the rest of you who also appreciate it will post your recommendations and improvement ideas in this thread to share with the developer.

everyone is most welcome to discuss. cascade is new and there are no dumb questions, only dumb answers. so please don't hesitate.

we are working on video tutorials so users can better understand what cascade is and how to use.

I am also in love with this synth :) Great work and so many more possibilities!

It would be awesome if the Cascade section could be used as an effect unit, also was thinking more waveforms would be sweet.



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